Best robot toys for 2019
Our pick of the best robots that can be controlled and programmed from your phone - or have a life of their own - from Sphero to Anki Cozmo and Vector Smart robotic toys come in a wide range of forms - from fun-but-dumb units that are essentially remote-control cars in robot shape, to phone/tablet-connected models that help you learn to code yourself, or to inspire your kids. You also get robots that you can communicate with using your voice rather than a device. If you're interested in coding, a phone-connected robot is one of the best tools for getting started because it lets you connect your first programs with something in the physical world and build tactile games along the way. Plus, robots are cool. You don’t need any coding knowledge to play with the robots in our round-up, but with a little know-how you can make them do specific things. We also have a guide to the best coding games for kids if you're looking for more ways to introduce coding to your kid. So whether yo...