The best robot toys for kids

Robotic toys you can control with your phone are not only great fun, they’re educational too, usually coming with support for apps that teach you how to code and program using the robot itself to act out your programs.

Whether you want to learn to code yourself, or to inspire your kids, a phone-connected robot is one of the best tools for getting started because it lets you connect your first programs with something in the physical world and build tactile games along the way. Plus, robots are cool.

You don’t need any coding knowledge to play with the robots in our round-up, but with a little know-how you can make them do specific things. We also have a guide to the best coding games for kids if you're looking for more ways to introduce coding to your kid.

Ozobot Evo vs Bit

Anki Cozmo

The Cozmo by Anki is hands-down one of the smartest robots we've seen. Small enough to fit in the palm of your hand, Cozmo packs an impressively big brain, and is capable of recognising people's faces, playing games, and learning as he goes.

Cozmo comes with three LED cubes, which are used in games that test reaction time and colour matching. He learns how you play and adjusts his own skill level - and reactions - appropriately: beat him and he'll throw a tantrum, screwing up the eyes on his LED screen.

The built-in camera can learn, recognise and then associate faces with a given name, which he will say out loud when he sees them. You can program Cozmo to say other phrases, too.

You can even remotely control Cozmo while watching the view from his camera on your phone- or tablet screen. There's also a host of coding mini-games to teach kids basic programming.

Above all, though, Cozmo is packed with personality. He's lively, vibrant and fun, telling you what games he wants to play at any given time, reacting to you and expressing his emotions. It sounds silly, but you really will find yourself caring about Cozmo and what he wants, which is a huge accomplishment.

If you want to find out more, you can see him in action in our hands-on video.

Sphero R2-D2

Sphero may be known for its spherical robots, but its best creation yet instead focuses on the company's other great success: the Star Wars-inspired BB-8 droid. The result: a decidedly non-spherical, but very brilliant, R2-D2.
Controlled using a smartphone app, this diminutive droid boasts a host of animations drawn directly from the films, including authentic sound effects and LED flashes. You can control him directly from the app, set him to patrol, or even leave him to react autonomously as you watch one of the Star Wars films with R2 at your side. There's also an AR mini-game to enjoy.

Sure, he's more remote-control toy than robot in the strictest sense, but R2 is one of cinema's most famous robots, and this is the most authentic R2 toy we've seen. You can also use him to learn how to code with the free Sphero Edu app.

robot toys for adults

If you prefer your Spheros spherical, you can still get the popular BB-8 droid, along with his new First Order counterpart BB-9E.

Sphero Bolt

And speaking of spheres, here's one of Sphero's more traditional robots: the Sphero Bolt, its most advanced offering yet.
This is the next step on from the SPRK+ - which you'll find further down this list - and pairs the traditional Sphero tech with new features like an LED light panel, an ambient light sensor, and infrared communication between multiple Bolts.

While the Sphero Play app comes loaded with a few games and driving options, the real focus here is the Edu app. This is designed both for individual learners and for school groups, and will run users through block-based coding (with the option of full JavaScript too) to develop programs that make the most of the Bolt's array of sensors, lights, and speakers.

From programming animations and games to making multiple Bolts act out little scenarios, there's a massive amount of potential here. And thanks to an array of graphs providing live feedback from the various sensors, there's the chance to learn as much about physics and engineering as there is coding.

programmable robot kits for beginners

UBTECH Jimu Meebot kit

The Meebot is a robot aimed at kids, available from Apple stores for £109.95. It comes in kit form, which means you must build it like LEGO, but rather than paper instructions a mobile app provides an animated 3D model for reference.

Construction takes a couple of hours (fewer if your kids aren’t helping), and you can then connect the Meebot via Bluetooth and start controlling it.

The preset moves are great: it can do the ‘crazy dance’ and even the ‘man flag’, where it balances on one arm.

The idea is for kids to have fun building and playing with Meebot, then learn how to program it to move themselves. They can do this using a graphical block interface, but can also see the code itself.
They can even dismantle the kit and build their own version of the robot, connecting the six servo motors in whichever combination they like.

littleBits Droid Inventor Kit

littleBits started out making kits of tiny colour-coded electronic components that you can connect together to build more complex circuits and gadgets. Then it had the brilliant idea of taking all that tech and putting it inside R2-D2.

robot toys online

The Droid Inventor Kit lets you assemble both R2's casing (including customisable sticker decals) and his internal components, with an accompanying app to walk you through the various configurations step-by-step.

One setup lets you drive R2 using your phone as a controller, while another gives him a microphone and speaker to record and play voice messages, and another lets his head rotate.

These are just the base configurations, though, and you can obtain more components with another littleBits kit, or buying individual Bits directly from the company.

The Bits connect magnetically, making them easy to assemble and disassemble, and the app does a great job walking you through putting R2 together and taking him apart.

There are even guides on how to customise the body using household objects - such as a flowerpot head dome or a juice carton body - so that keen inventors can make R2 entirely their own.

The littleBits app has recently been updated to include coding, too.


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